Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Better late than never

Hey there Mr - Moo!
You're now 1 year old, and getting along to 18 months soon! (where HAS that time gone?)
There is so much to tell you but seeing as I've been a slacker (well actually very busy with you and your brother!)

We moved house about a month ago and you and Gregory are now sharing a room - it was all going smoothly until last week when you both realised you had someone to chat to at night time! Oh dear ;o) You're adjusting to the new house very quickly and well and have made yourself at home :o) We're finally getting into a good routine again.
While we were doing renovations we had trouble keeping you away and down off the ladder - you really are a little ladder boy - although you can go up you cant climb down (which seems to be a bit of a drama!)
The latest bit of excitment at the new house is being able to stand on the lounge, stare out the window to see the cars, buses, bike, dogs, cats play outside - but you love to climb up and watch Daddy arrive home! You then jump down and its a competition with you and Greg as to who can let Dad in the door and hug him first!!

You started saying more words - more clearly and now understandable - only yesterday at playgroup you saw a train, started running to it, stopped, turned to me and said 'train'. Yesterday afternoon when I got a cookie for you and Greg you said 'cookie' - I was amazed :) it brought a HUGE smile to my face. You can say lots of things now including Mummy, Daddy, Teddy, Chels, Grum, Car (your first word of course! haha)

You have nearly all your teeth now - your last few up top poked through last week & you only have (i think) 2 left to come through down the bottom ( you wont let me near your mouth much anymore!!) You've learned to use a spoon and have mastered feeding yourself a bowl of icecream!! Your fav food is anything we feed you - although you LOVE bananas, apples and any veggies - but especially broccoli.

You're now quite stable on your feet, learning to run and jump - and like to be where ever your big brother is!! If you are away from each other you both love to greet each other with a big hug! You love just running around chasing each other, riding your bikes in the yard or splashing me while you're in the bathtub!!

You really have the moves when it comes to dancing - and love music - Wiggles are your favourite to dance to. If we're in the car you start a "ahhhh' noise for us all to join in with you - and love (trying) to sing along to songs in the car - "The Final Countdown" seems to get you and Greg quite vocal! ha!

You are also starting to 'read' books, turn pages without ripping them all, and even pointing to things you recognise etc.

Love ya lots my little boy :o) You're growing up so fast - new things happening EVERY day.
Love, Mummy

Monday, January 7, 2008

Merry 1st Christmas - & Happy New Year

Hey Mitchie-Moos,
It was a great Christmas time! We woke up Christmas morning, you and Gregory waiting patiently for Gran and Grandad & A.Pam to come over so you could open your presents. You both had the right idea of ripping open the paper! It was lovely to watch. You both were quite excited by all the new toys.

Shortly after Gran, Grandad and A.Pam left I went to church while you and Greg and dad played with your new toys. When I got home we all went to Nanna and Cookies place. We waited for A.Megs, U.Mike, Steph and Maka to get there before we opened all our presents.
Nanna and Cookie bought you boys a huge CARS play tent.... I mean HUGE! It's fantastic.
Unfortunately Gregory went to bed at lunchtime - but you were no party pooper - you were the life of Christmas Lunch. You sat up to the table, Christmas hat and all.

Just like a normal Aussie bloke you feel asleep shortly after lunch too!! hahhaehee
For Boxing Day, we headed to Grandma and Grandads. Lots of people - Gran, Grandad, A.Val, U.Jon. A.Pam, Beaux, A.Lynda, U.Grum, Chelsea, Jared, me, Dad, Gregory and Tres. We had a blast watching (and helping a little) you and the other kids with their Christmas presents. This time you decided to be a party pooper and slept through lunch!! Aw well... whats Christmas for but for sleeping huh?
You joined Gran & Gregory for a spa a little later on.

With Gran and Dad in the Spa - investigating the fountain...

Sitting sideways in the lounge room

Giggling at Uncle Jons silly jokes

We didn't do too much for New Years Eve - although we headed to Cookie & Nan's for New Years lunch to help celebrate Cookie's birthday.

Enjoying chippies with Cookie-birthday-boy

Cuddle times with Mum!

We know you had Merry Christmas & and are enjoying the new year - will update your blog with a January posting soon! xoxo
lotsa love

Friday, December 7, 2007

Long time no blog!

Hey there,
Well it has been a while - was going to apologise but meh! I have lots of reasons/explanations/excuses for not blogging!! The main one being my 2 lovely boys :o)
Speaking of which,
Mitchell is growing up so so so fast!!

First time forwards in the car -
Greg and you love holding hands in the car!

Sitting on the lounge :o)
(from quite some time ago)

Teeth: Yesterday he got teeth number 3 and 4 - haven't ventured into your mouth today to see if any of the others had 'popped' through. There are about 4 more that could come through at any time.

Moving: You are able to belly crawl/commando style without a problem - although Gregory is seeing it as a problem as you seem to head towards whatever he is playing with! In the last two or three days you have started knee crawling - and getting very good at it! This morning you came over to me and pulled yourself up on my knee to kneeling before I held your hands and you stood yourself right up..... oh dear - the days of getting things away from you by putting them on the lounge are nearly over!! You have nearly mastered the 'art' of sitting up by yourself. You even manage to get yourself into the sitting position by yourself. You topple every now and then *ouch*. When Gregory watched Wiggles you are can't take your eyes off his dancing, you'll often wiggle your bottom as if to join in. Its lovely!

Water: You seem to be a real water baby!! Bath times are a favourite for you and Gregory - You have learned to sit up, splash, roll onto your tummy so you can crawl over to Gregory and take his toys! He isn't impressed too much by this. You loved your first 'swim' when we went to U.Grum and A.Lynda's. We put you in a floaty ring and you were all smiles - even more so when Gregory was in the other floaty ring and bumped into you!! It was great seeing you have fun together. You continue to smile at everyone - 2 'especially's 1. When given kisses or touched on the cheek. 2. When you see Gregory/mum/dad again (mainly after you wake from a nap). I just love your smiles. You also smile lots when you wave - if you hear someone say 'leaving' or 'go' or 'bye' you hold your arm out straight and clench a fist 2 or 3 times (waving!). You have started babbling lots and lots! It is lovely to hear you "chatting away". Often in the car Gregory will be talking, you babbling/singing and the radio is going... it does all get a bit much after a while.
Well my little munchkin, I'm proud of you and hope you have a wonderful 1st Christmas!! I can just imagine you and all the paper! *oh dear!*

Would you like some apple custard?

Monday, September 24, 2007

1st tooth, & crawling

Hey Mr Mitchie Moooo,
Our little boy has grown up soo much!
We've been so busy the few months - so many new things that you've been up to.

Here are some of them (in no particular order!)
You went to your first Bathurst 1000 - you must be your fathers son as you slept as the top ten shoot out drove past!! You also stayed with Julie for a day while dad & I went the next day.

Been to your first bonfire night :o)
Started on solids - now having 3 meals + bottles a day!! wow! my goodness :o)
You have another cousin - Stephanie :o)
Met Emma & Lee (finally!)
You went to your brother & dads birthday party.

Enjoying having your brother Greg - for hugs, chats and tumbles. Only tonight you guys had a rumble after the bath and I am starting to think you have the upper hand! lol! silly Greggie! Your cuddles are lovely - and if Greg hurts you he comes and says sorry by patting you on the head. He will bring toys to you - and more often than not will take them from you!!

The biggest bits of news is that
- You got your first tooth today!!! It wasnt there at 4 this morning when you woke up all upset, but when you woke later, there it was!! yayay!!

-You have also started crawling! You use those little feet and legs and push with all your might, it takes some effort but boy you are getting there. It wont be long before we can't catch you!

- In the process of mastering the skill of sitting up. You seem to manage this for a maybe a minute and the usually gracefully put your head on the floor and bring your legs around behind you! Mr FLEXIBILITY!

- You also enjoy the jolly jumper and have started standing holding things - you aren't pulling yourself up yet but you can hold and stand. If you are standing holding my hands you take lots of steps. I sat you on the lounge on the weekend while i was on the floor looking at you and you decided to roll onto your tummy and wiggle off the lounge onto your feet and stand there holding the lounge and staring at me as if to say "is that what you wanted me to do? huh?"

Mitchie mooo you are growing up soooooo fast. It's great to see your personality growing as you turn into a real little boy. I know that your dad has enjoyed being around you a lot while he has had some well deserved time out from working. You show off and grin and giggle and even babble lots. We're in the process of teaching you to say mum (seeing as Gregory HARDLY ever says it.... although says dad millions of times a day!).
Love you lots my not-so-toothless-terror!!
(will try to add photos again later grrrrrrrrr!)

Monday, August 27, 2007

On the move

Hey Little Mitchie-moo!!
My goodness you are growing up waaaaay toooo fast!! It seems like only yesterday you fitted in my arms all little and snug!

You've been enjoying the jolly jumper - you smile and giggle and turn around and bounce up and down! It's all good until Gregory comes and tries to 'help'! He spins you around - although he isnt continuing this quite as much lately :o)

You were sitting on my lap last night and grabbed my thumb and started gnawing on it. You really enjoyed it - there was drool everywhere and my thumb went quite numb.... I put you on the floor and your dad and I saw your toothy pegs every so close!! aw! gooodness!

BUT!!!!! The biggest news I have yet is that you managed to make your way across the rug yesterday. I put you on your belly and the toys were out of reach. You pushed yourself forward until you got to the toys... you pulled with your arms and pushed with your feet - it was more a commando type crawl than a proper bay crawl but you got there!! You're also nearly rolling from you back to your front - you got over halfway then roll back to the other side (rocking) but you can managed your front to back. It wont be long!!

Your smiles bring a smile to my heart - even when I havent slept in 2 nights and it's 3am again! You're a smiley a boy, and when you see Gregory your whole face lights up! Especially when he gives you hugs. You were both sitting on my lap (which is happening quite often with you both feeling unwell at the moment) and you were upset so Gregory cuddled you and you stopped. Gregory was upset yesterday on my lap and you reached to him. It's amazing to see the bond that you two have.

Continue to grow my lovely boy!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Heya beautiful boy,
I've been watching you lots lately. I can't help but look at you!! Especially when you see me looking at you and smile back at me! Your smile is just amazing and so catching :o)
Last night Tres came over to visit - he's finally back from USA and Canada. He had lots of stories to tell and so many more. He got a little distracted in his story because he couldn't believe how much you (and Gregory) have grown since he's been away. You showed off your standing capabilities and how much you like tummy time when you push off your arms on the floor and lift your head high. He couldn't believe your wonderful smiley dimples and your cooing and gaaing!
It made me think about just how much you have grown up, how much bigger you are.... and that I still havent done your footprint yet!! (Slacker huh?! lol)

You watch everything Gregory does and put up with so much of his pushing, poking and prodding. I know he means well! last night he rolled you from your back to your tummy and you giggled at him the whole time!! LoL! Everytime Greg comes near you, you just smile - it seems at times that you try to hug him back! aww!!
You've started copying him too - Greg has been putting his fingers in his mouth & you've started doing this too! I think its more that your teeth are starting to come through more than copying!

This week you've really been grabbing at things a lot. Yesterday you were on the bouncer and pulling at the rings that were hanging down. It is fantastic watching you grow and I remember how lucky I am to have 2 wonderful boys :o)

Well must go - lots to do!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Interesting 2 weeks

Hey Mitchie-moos,

You've been a busy boy!! Lots of things have been happening... not all the best either!
I ended up in hospital and your A.Megs and U.Mike looked after you for a while. You were such a good boy for them. Dad had lots of fun looking after you - he even managed to hear you when you woke at 5am on the coldest morning we've had in years!!! (I was in hospital that night!)
That was a busy week..........

This week was quite busy too.

To make things more interesting... you came down with a cold - the snuffles for a little while. Gregory came down with a really bad cough and cold while you battled your snuffles. I hoped you would be able to get rid of it and I think you almost did until Gregory decided to share with you.... his horrible cold.
Wednesday afternoon we went to the Dr.s to get your blood test results and they came back all clear!! YAYAYAY so thats a relief. After the Dr. checked you over you screamed all the way to the car.... You've never done that before. We got home and all had a well earned nap.
Wednesday night you and Gregory were both quite sick with the flu so we changed plans of going to dinner with everyone to celebrate A.Lynda and my bday. Gran came and looked after you and Greggles while U.Grum, A.Lynda and Dad went to Hogs Breath for dinner..............when we got home you were quite snuffly and you had a horrible cough. When you woke Thursday morning you coughed and coughed then screamed the house down!! As I tried to put you to bed you had a small 'asthma attack' like unable to breath. You looked at me with eyes wide as if to say 'help me mum!' (It was scary for us both).
I rang Gran to see if you had anything like that happen last night while she was looking after you and she said you hadn't, it was with that news that I packed both you and Gregory up and headed to the hospital. The receptionist saw me walk in and asked what I was doing back lol!
Anyhows, we only waited for about 5-10 mins before they took you in and checked all your vitals. We ended up seeing about 4 different doctors and interns. Dad ended up coming with lunch and took Gregory home. The Drs sent you for a chest xray which came back clear. They were discussing if they should send you home (because we live local if you got worse we could come back..... yeh thanks!) then your blood pressure went up and oxygen levels went down and they put you on oxygen. It was then they realised that you really weren't well enough to go home and admitted you overnight.
Still all smiles even with oxygen!

We packed you up and took you to the kids ward where they had a cot for you. The nurses there were really lovely and looked after you so much. They all thought that you are such a happy and cheerful boy and wanted to take you home. If you weren't coughing or sleeping you were smiling or giggling at the nurses. One nurse cleaned out your nose and you screamed, only when she came back after washing her hands you cooed and smiled at her.
Friday morning your paed doctor did the rounds and checked how you are and ordered blood tests. There were a few things from your check up which were a little concern that he wanted blood results for. They came back a little weird and when they sent you home Saturday they said to get some done before heading to your paed doctor later this week. I missed you so much while you were in hospital - I know your Daddy did!!
Since you've been home, Daddy has been taking in as many smiles and cooing from you as possible - I almost have to fight him to give you a cuddle!!
You're starting to get a lot better. Still snuffly and coughing but you sound so much better.

Other news - A.Val and U.Jon came and visited this weekend. It was good to see them - you gave them smiles to your hearts content!! It was great to have you home just in time to see them too.Smiling at me and Aunty Val

Giving grins to Uncle Jon

Anyhow... this has been an epic message - theres so much more to tell you! You're my little champion and I love you very much. We're all glad that you're ok.
Off to Playtime tomorrow :) *yay*
(I'll update with photos too)
Time for beddies.